Saint Martin Ship Ticket Booking

Saint Martin Island is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Bangladesh. If you are looking for Cox-Bazar/Teknaf/Chitagong to Saint Martin Ship Ticket, you are in the right place. You can also book Teknaf to Saint Martin Ship Ticket, Cox-Bazar to Saint Martin Ship Ticket, Chitagong to Saint Martin Ship Ticket Online from us. Every year, a number of ships are active from Cox-Bazar/Teknaf/Chitagong to St. Martin & St. Martin to Cox-Bazar/Teknaf/Chitagong. Tourists can book ship tickets from Us. Saint Martin Ship Ticket contact number: +88 01877 82 5569, +88 01877 82 5570.

বাংলাদেশের টেকনাফ - মায়ানমারের রাখাইন রাজ্যের সীমান্তে সংঘাতের কারনে টেকনাফ থেকে সেন্টমার্টিনে আপাতত আর কোন শিপ চলাচল করবে না। টেকনাফের পরিবর্তে কক্সবাজারের ইনানি থেকে সেন্টমার্টিনে শিপ চলাচল করবে।


There is no direct road connectivity to saint martin, you must first go to Cox's Bazar or Teknaf by bus or air and then take a ship to Saint Martin. There are many ship in Teknaf & Cox's Bazar for going to the Saint Martin Island; Keari Sindbad, The Atlantic Cruise, MV Bay Cruise, MV Baro Awlia, MV Karnafuly Express & etc.

Yes, Saint Martin is open for tourism and it's the One & Only CORAL Island in BANGLADESH. October to March is the pick season for visit the Saint Martin. April to September is the off season for Saint Martin due to bad weather condition.

October to March is the pick season for visit the Saint Martin. April to September is the off season for Saint Martin due to bad weather condition.

There are many Saint Martin Ship Ticket booking agent in Dhaka, Cox's Bazar & Teknaf. Kite Bangladesh Holidays is one of the authorized Saint Martin Ship Ticket booking agent in Dhaka. You can purchase all kind of ship tickets from their office by instant payment. Kite Bangladesh Holidays provides all route ship ticket for saint martin; Cox's Bazar - Saint Martin - Cox's Bazar, Teknaf - Saint Martin - Teknaf & Chittagong - Saint Martin - Chittagong.

ASaint Martin Ship Ticket Price depends on ship & ticket category. There are many ship in Teknaf & Cox's Bazar for going to the Saint Martin Island; Keari Sindbad, The Atlantic Cruise, MV Bay Cruise, MV Baro Awlia, MV Karnafuly Express & etc. Ship Ticket price start from 800 tk.

Winter is the best time to visit Saint Martin’s Island. That time of the year the ocean remains calm most of the time. Also the weather is not that warm. That’s why it is the safest time to go there. Also the cruising ships keep their operation between Teknaf and St Martin’s Island only that time.

Kite Bangladesh Holidays is one of the authorized Saint Martin Ship Ticket booking agent in Dhaka. You can purchase all kind of ship tickets from their office by instant payment. Saint Martin Ship Ticket contact number: +88 02 48957989, +88 02 48956492, +88 0187 3323 553, +88 01877 825 569.

From Teknaf (Everyday): 8.30am-9.00am; From Cox's Bazar (Everyday): 5.00am-9.00am; From Chittagong (Every Thursday): 8.30pm; From Saint Martin: 2.45pm-3.30pm;

Yes 100%, Saint Martin is the most safe place for all tourist. Still now there is no unwanted things happened with any tourist because of local govt tight security. This Island is under secured by Bangladesh NAVY, Coast Guard Bangladesh & Bangladesh Police. Every season, there are number of Foreign Tourist visit the Saint Martin. Kite Bangladesh Holidays is one of the local experienced tourist guide for Foreign Tourist.

Saint Martin tour cost depends on all facilities, what you want. From Dhaka, the Saint Martin tour cost will be start from Tk. 4,500/- ++ per person (1 night stay & 2 Days SightSeeing).

There are many luxury hotel & resort in Saint Martin. There are some hotel & resort catergory depends on position like sea view or sea side. Hotel room price start from Tk. 1000/- ++ & Resort price start from Tk. 5000/- ++. Kite Bangladesh Holidays is the booking agent of all luxury hotel & resort in Saint Martin. If you need any assistance, please call them +88 02 48957989, +88 02 48956492, +88 0187 3323 553, +88 01877 825 569.

You can explore the Chhera Dwip, Watch Sunrise & Sunset, A Barbecue Night (Sea Food), Drink a lot of Coconuts & Cycling on the Beach.

You can take direct ship from Cox's Bazar to Saint Martin. Or you can go Teknaf in the early morning & take the ship.

You can take direct ship from Chittagong to Saint Martin. Every Thursday the Luxury Cruise Ship MV Bay One go for Saint Martin from 15 no. Jetty Ghat, Chittagong at 8.30pm.

No, there is no BAR or Alkohol shop available in Saint Martin. Alkohol carrying or drinking is totally illegal for Bangladeshi tourist.